Apr 11, 2011
When the T first arrived, I put it on a battery charger and left it overnight. The next day, the starter turned over weakly. I was really excited by this, because that meant at least the wiring worked! Soon after, it quit turning, so I put the charger on again. This time, I could hear the charger clipping. When I felt the cables they were hot. I checked everything, thinking I had a short to ground, but everything looked OK. Took the battery to a local auto supply store. They put it on a tester - result; the polarity on the battery had gotten reversed. Negative was positive, and vice versa. If you looked at the battery, there was a very slight hump in the top of the case. Only thing we could think of was 1) I messed up hooking up the charger, likely 2) or the battery froze after having sat so long in CA, then in the sub zero trip here, more likely. Anyway, I am out a new 6v battery the prior owner had purchased. Now that the slate is clean, I am considering converting to 12v, so that I can run coils without magneto. I am sure that will warrant comments from T purists. We shall see - still vacilating on that one.